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The Church and Love – The Binding Power of Love

“That Christ (Love) may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height.”
(Ephesians 3:17-18, KJV)

Reference Scriptures: John 17:20-26, Ephesians 3:17-21

Introduction: The Church’s Foundation in Love

The Church of Jesus Christ is not merely an institution or a gathering of people; it is a living organism, the Body of Christ, called to manifest His love and glory to the world. At the heart of the Church’s mission is love—a love that transcends human understanding, unites diverse members, and reflects the very nature of God. In this exhortation, we delve deeper into the binding power of love, exploring its role in uniting the Church, empowering its mission, and fulfilling its divine purpose.

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, a day often associated with love, it is fitting to reflect on the true essence of love as revealed in Scripture. While the world focuses on romantic love, the Church is called to demonstrate a higher love—a love rooted in Christ, grounded in humility, and expressed in unity. This love is not limited to a single day but is a daily commitment to reflect the character of Christ in all we do.

The Epistle to the Ephesians is a treasure trove of divine revelation, offering profound insights into the mystery of Christ and His plan for the Church. Written by the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, this letter is often compared to the book of Genesis because it reveals God’s eternal purpose for humanity. Just as Genesis unveils the creation of the world and the establishment of God’s order, Ephesians unveils the restoration of all things in Christ and the unity of the Church through love.

In this second part of our series on The Church and Love, we focus on the binding power of love as revealed in Ephesians 3:17-21. We will explore how love roots and grounds the Church, enables us to comprehend the fullness of God’s purpose, and empowers us to walk in unity and power.

The Mystery of Oneness in Love

One of the greatest challenges facing the Church today is division. Denominationalism, doctrinal disputes, and cultural differences have often fragmented the Body of Christ, hindering its effectiveness and witness. Yet, Jesus Himself prayed for the unity of the Church, saying, “That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me” (John 17:21).

Unity is not uniformity. The Church will never fully agree on every doctrine, practice, or interpretation of Scripture until the return of Christ. However, unity in love is not only possible but essential. Love is the binding force that transcends differences and unites us in Christ. Denominationalism is not merely a matter of doctrine or practice; it is a mindset—a mindset that often prioritizes self-righteousness over humility and division over unity.

Until the Church addresses its self-righteousness and pride, true unity will remain elusive. Love, however, is indifferent to our differences. It does not rejoice in evil or falsehood (1 Corinthians 13:6), but it embraces all who are in Christ, regardless of their background or beliefs. Love is the key to unlocking the Church’s full potential as a tangible force for God’s kingdom on earth.

Rooted and Grounded in Love

In Ephesians 3:17-18, Paul prays that Christ, who is the embodiment of love, may dwell in our hearts by faith. This prayer reveals the foundational role of love in the life of the Church. To be rooted and grounded in love means to be firmly established in the nature and character of Christ.

The term “rooted” speaks of depth and stability. Just as a tree draws nourishment and strength from its roots, the Church draws its life and power from its rootedness in love. A tree with shallow roots is easily uprooted by storms, but a tree with deep roots stands firm. Similarly, a Church that is deeply rooted in love will withstand the storms of division, persecution, and doubt.

The term “grounded” implies being firmly fixed and stable. To be grounded in love means to be unwavering in our commitment to love God and love others. It means to walk in love even when it is difficult, to forgive when we are wronged, and to extend grace to those who differ from us. Love is not a fleeting emotion but a steadfast commitment to reflect the character of Christ in all we do.

A man of God once said, “Your height will depend on your depth.” In other words, how high you rise in God’s purpose is determined by how deeply rooted you are in His love. The Church’s constitution is love, and it is only by walking in love that we can fulfill our divine mandate.

Comprehending the Fullness of Love

Paul continues his prayer, stating that when we are rooted and grounded in love, we will “comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height” (Ephesians 3:18). This comprehension is not limited to intellectual understanding or theological knowledge. It is a spiritual revelation that transcends denominational boundaries and unites all believers.

The Greek word for “comprehend” is katalambano, which means to seize forcefully, to lay hold of something, or to eagerly possess it. When the Church walks in love, we collectively lay hold of the fullness of God’s power, seize nations for Christ, and manifest His glory on earth. Love is the universal language of the Church, understood by all saints regardless of their background or doctrinal differences. While we may interpret Scriptures differently, the language of love remains the same everywhere.

The dimensions of love—breadth, length, depth, and height—reveal its vastness and completeness. The breadth of love encompasses all people, transcending racial, cultural, and denominational barriers. The length of love extends from eternity past to eternity future, revealing God’s eternal plan for humanity. The depth of love reaches into the darkest places of human brokenness, offering redemption and restoration. The height of love lifts us into the heavenly realms, where we experience the fullness of God’s presence and power.

When the Church comprehends the fullness of love, it becomes a powerful force for transformation in the world. Love enables us to walk in divine health, seize nations for Jesus, and manifest the power of God on earth.

The Call to Walk in Love

The Church is called to walk in love, not as an optional virtue but as a commandment and a way of life. Love is the binding force that unites us, the foundation that stabilizes us, and the power that propels us forward. When we walk in love, we demonstrate the nature of Christ to the world, and we become a tangible expression of His kingdom.

Walking in love requires humility, sacrifice, and a willingness to lay down our rights for the sake of others. It means forgiving those who hurt us, extending grace to those who differ from us, and prioritizing unity over division. Love is not always easy, but it is always worth it.

The world is watching the Church. Our love for one another is our greatest testimony to the reality of Christ. Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). When the Church walks in love, it becomes a beacon of hope and a powerful witness to the world.

Practical Steps to Walk in Love

  1. Cultivate a Heart of Humility: Pride is the enemy of love. Ask God to reveal areas of pride in your life and replace them with humility.
  2. Practice Forgiveness: Unforgiveness is a barrier to love. Choose to forgive those who have wronged you, just as Christ has forgiven you.
  3. Extend Grace: Be patient and gracious with those who differ from you. Remember that we are all works in progress.
  4. Serve Others: Love is not just a feeling; it is an action. Look for opportunities to serve others in practical ways.
  5. Pray for Unity: Pray for the unity of the Church, both locally and globally. Ask God to break down walls of division and unite His people in love.

Reflection & Closing Thought

Remember: The Church’s greatest testimony is not in its doctrines or practices but in its love. “By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Let us walk in love, for love is the binding power that unites us and the force that transforms the world.

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, let us remember that the greatest love of all is the love of Christ, which binds the Church together and empowers us to fulfill His purpose. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Amen.

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